IRS 1099-S Year-End Processing (YEP) Service
New IRS E-Filing Threshold Means No More Paper For Many
IRS 1999-S

The IRS has lowered its threshold for mandatory electronic filing of 1099s and similar information returns from 250 to 10 returns starting with tax year 2023. The total applies to all returns filed, so the threshold would be reached with, for instance, six 1099-S forms, two 1099-NEC forms, and two w-2s. If the threshold is reached, ALL of your forms must be e-filed. Filers not in compliance with this requirement will be subject to penalties by the IRS.

If you are over the new threshold of 10 returns, you can use Standard Support's Year-End Processing service for for e-filing. Standard Solutions and Standard Support have provided reliable e-filing services for over 30 years.

Standard's Year-End Processing Service:

Standard's Year-End Processing (YEP) Service will prepare a 1099-S electronic filing for your firm that meets all IRS requirements and file it for you with the IRS. The filings are compiled using a sophisticated tax software product relied on annually by hundreds of thousands of businesses across the U.S.

Because YEP works with the data that's already in your Standard Conveyancer, the service is more accurate and cost-effective than manual processes. Preliminary and final reports let you make sure no data is missing, helping you avoid errors and ensuring a timely filing.

How does it work?

At the end of the tax year, we generate a report for you to review the seller information from your transactions to ensure completeness and accuracy. Once you are ready, we us an IRS-compliant software package to generate preliminary and final reports for your review. Upon your authorization, Standard Support prepares your IRS electronic filing and uploads it to the IRS for you.

What do I have to do?

You must sign up with us by the deadline. Year-End Processing services are available clients with a current Support & Maintenance Plan and clear account balance through Q1.

It speeds the process if your data is complete and accurate before it is downloaded to our office. Entering seller tax ID numbers and forwarding addresses and making sure closings are marked for 1099-S filing will help ensure your data is complete. Please ask for help ahead of time if you are not sure how to do this.

Standard Support is here to help you fulfill your filing requirements efficiently and economically. Due to the critical nature of the task and the IRS deadlines, you must sign up on time and work closely with us throughout the process to ensure a timely and compliant filing. Current pricing and deadlines are posted in the fall each year.