Software Support & Maintenance Plan

It's not just about the software... it's about the people.

At Standard Support, our service philosophy is to partner with our clients to consistently earn the highest level of customer satisfaction in our industry. We strive to help you protect and maintain your software investment to get the most from your Standard products and services.

From product installation to emergency assistance when you need help fast, our support program has been optimized through years of experience in this industry to meet your ongoing needs.

Unlimited Telephone Support (9:00 am -5:30 pm)

We are fully staffed and here to help you when you need us. A seasoned professional will be available to assist you with your Standard  products. We will answer your questions and help you resolve any issues which relate to your software.* Emergency support is available after hours on a limited basis.

Software & Documentation Updates

As a member of our software maintenance program, you will be granted unlimited access to our software updates and documentation at no additional cost. This will help keep your system in compliance with state and federal guidelines and meet lender and other industry requirements.

Full Access to Our Web Site Support Tools

You will have full and unlimited access to the Standard Support Web site where you can download our latest software updates, document updates, support information and tools.

Automatic Updates

Standard Conveyancer and Standard HUD & Title are supported though an our Automatic Updater system to help keep you up to date with the latest documents and program versions.

*Affordable IT Services to help you with your PC hardware and network environment are also available separately with estimates quoted upon request.